Trappist monk in cowl sitting on a bench

Our Fr. Thomas shares on the Sonship of Jesus: Scriptures teaches that every person is a child of God. But Jesus clearly saw his relationship to God in a different perspective. The perspective that Jesus has of himself comes through clearly in the way he spoke of God as Father, in forgiving of sins, in the way in which he lived his entire life. It was quite normal that this understanding of himself as the Son of God should reach its climax in his Passion.

Standing before the Sanhedrin, Jesus was asked: Are you then the son of God?
Being consistent, Jesus spoke of himself in a special way as the Son of God. His hearers understood him in this special way for they shouted: He has blasphemed! (Matt 26:57-67)

One approach to Jesus’ understanding of himself as the Son of God is to focus on his humanity – his freedom, charity, compassion, mercy, love, and his personality as known to us through the Gospels – and to see the mystery of divinity, the mystery of God, shinning forth via humanity.

Another approach to Jesus’ understanding of himself is the focus on his divinity. He is the same substance as God: the great mystery of our Faith is the Second Person of the Trinity in his Incarnation.

In this Incarnation, divinity has assumed everything human, save sin, as St. Paul teaches. Everything human: the mystery of birth and death, joy and sorrow, darkness and light, – everything human – has been assumed by God and saved in Jesus Christ.

God’s love will have us at any cost, it does not stop halfway. Love goes to the ultimate limits of fallen humanity. Love does not belittle our humanity, Love saves it.